The Emotional Elevator and
Taking Ownership

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Hi and Thank you for finding me. I hope you take the time to read my little book, I hope it helps you find some peace and understanding, to make some little changes to have a less stressful life.


Stuart A Hunter / Author 

Excerpts from the book.....

One of my favourite annalogy's 

Excerpt from Chapter 11

Eliminating the Drama and Living on Purpose


The Honey Maker


We all have that friend or person we know that has had something or someone do them wrong and every time we see them they tell us about it, like it just happened. It could be two weeks or three months, but whatever the timeframe, they are always strongly emotionally involved with it and the description is explosive. Their agitated energy is almost too difficult to be around. We try hard not to judge them, or roll our eyes, or find an excuse to walk away. 


Are you ever “that person?” That annoying friend who ruminates on things, keeping things alive and giving up space in your brain about someone or something (that in the end is meaningless) that has done you wrong?


Are you someone who has a “bee in your bonnet?” Let me describe what I call the “honey maker.” This is where the person is ruminating and holding onto a situation so tightly their knuckles are white, their teeth have sunken in, and their jaw is clenched! The bee is so busy, it is making honey! It’s like they are waiting to catch up with people so they can tell them of all the wrong that has been done to them. For what? Sympathy? To feel supported, cared for, important?

We have discussed the very same thing in this book—keeping situations alive.


We can’t do anything about it when we are out at a dinner or at the movies or at a friend’s place. Let the bee out! The longer we let the bee spin and live in our “bonnet” the more honey is created. Stop the bee from making its honey! Stop keeping the situation alive. 


Let it go and get in your elevator and move to a different level. Be thankful, be happy, be mindful. Do whatever you need to do to move past the situation. This will take a lot of practice and time. The more often you let the bee out, the less time the bee or its sting will have a presence in your life. The big payoff is being happier and less stressed.


Don’t be that friend that everyone wants to avoid because you’re too busy making honey!


Bees sting. They hurt like hell and some of us are allergic to them, but bees die after they have stung. Try and do the same when you have a difficult situation in your life—feel the sting, have the discomfort, nurture the sting, treat the wound, and then let it heal and move on. Let the bee die! Clear your “bonnet!”

My Martial arts journey

Growing up I would always, back then hire the latest Martial art video, that's right the old VHS cassette tape!

I remember watching Bloodsport with Van Damme and just loving it, Best of the Best and of course Bruce lee films.

Although a child hood passion I wouldn't activiley begin my training for decades later. in hindsight I feel this was a good thing as I cherish and want to constantly challenge myself and not to have taken it for granted.


Sometimes sitting Still.......

Every Star is a planet or a sun, it is Inifinte.
How big are our problems really?

When I say this I am meaning no disrespect or judgment, I am speaking from my own experience and sharing with you to maybe help you gain a little perspective.

We can get our blinkers on when it comes to our problems or situations.

All eletronics sometimes need to be unplugged to reset them, we need the same, gazing at hte stars on a clear night can have the same effect.( for me anyway, try it?)

When I do this I feel smaller than an ant, a speck of dust in this vast universe, a reset, perspective and then, I let my imagination float away with wonder and amazement of how HUGE this universe is.

Take time out for yourself

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